Stanchester Academy

Stanchester Academy, formerly Stanchester Community School, is an academy for children between the ages of 11 and 16 in Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset, England. As of April 2018 it had 558 students.
Stanchester Academy has a range of technology facilities.

School Improvement

In its annual report on the South West sector of the UK, Ofsted reports on standards in all state schools across a very wide geographical area. The report identifies trends, strengths and areas for improvement in the education of hundreds of thousands of students in primary and secondary schools and colleges. Stanchester was the only secondary school in the entire South West of the UK to be identified and praised in the section entitled “Regional Priorities- positive steps”. Stanchester Academy was part of a special case study which describes “substantial and effective change” in improving the school and securing high standards. A quote from the report says “At Stanchester Academy, the new principal has already brought about substantial and effective changes. He has the full and effective support of senior teachers and the governing body. Teaching has improved rapidly with systematic monitoring and support for staff.”


provides free transport for students in Years 7 – 11 to attend their catchment or nearest appropriate school and they live more than 3 miles shortest available walking distance from home to Stanchester Academy. This is run by the School Transport Department which organises the routes and contract buses. It is possible for other students to apply for a spare seat on a contract bus operated by Somerset School Transport.


The neo-Georgian main school building was completed in 1940. Stanchester Academy was originally a "Secondary Modern" School, becoming a "Comprehensive" School in 1974 as a result of the abandonment of Grammar School education in the Yeovil area by the then Conservative controlled Somerset County Council. In August 2011, the school became an academy,.