Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg

The Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, located in Ludwigsburg, Germany, is a public institutional repository for roughly 680 state authorities within the District of Stuttgart, Germany.


The historical holdings come from the North Württemberg :de:Regierungsbezirk Nordwürttemberg| area. Notable holdings, unveiled through the process of denazification, include documents related to the holocaust.
The archives also house the files of the Police Headquarters Stuttgart :de:Polizeipräsidium Stuttgart|, the decorative folders and role books of the Staatstheater Stuttgart and all birth records of the Landesfrauenklinik Stuttgart ; the documents of the Teutonic Order, official books of the convent Ellwangen and documents of Ulm, Esslingen am Neckar, Heilbronn, and other former free imperial cities. The collections also include personnel files of the Deutsche Reichsbahn and the Deutsche Bundesbahn from the Reichsbahndirektion/Bundesbahndirektion Stuttgart :de:Reichsbahndirektion Stuttgart|.


The Ludwigsburg State Archives relocated, in 1995, from a castle to the Arsenal Barracks and Armory located in the center of Ludwigsburg.
  1. The Arsenal Barracks houses the public areas – including a reading room, an auditorium, an exhibition room, library, and an administration office
  2. The Armory houses the stacks, which comprise more than of archives
Both buildings were mechanically and structurally re-purposed to meet the safekeeping requirements of modern archives. The buildings are connected by an underground corridor, through which a transport system delivers documents to researchers in the reading room.

Governmental oversight

As part of the Baden-Württemberg administrative reorganization of 2005, Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg has been a department of the newly created Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg :de:Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg|, which was inaugurated January 1, 2005. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg is one of eight constituent departments of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg :de:Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg|. Six of the eight departments have an archival mission and two have a service mission.
Archive departments:
Service departments
The Landesarchiv is a supreme state authority in the portfolio of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art in Baden-Wuerttemberg :de:Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg|.
