Spencer's burrowing frog

Spencer's burrowing frog is a species of frog native to western and central Australia.


Spencer's burrowing frog is very similar in appearance to the only other species within the genus Opisthodon, the ornate burrowing frog.
Spencer's burrowing frog is a short, rotund frog with a small head and large eyes. The colour and patterns of the dorsal surface vary greatly. The colour ranges from a dark brown to light grey, with darker blotches. A butterfly shaped, darker patch is often found behind the eyes. The legs and arms are striped or spotted, the tympanum is not visible, and the feet range from partially to fully webbed. The absence of webbing between the toes allows for easier burrowing.

Ecology and behaviour

Spencer's burrowing frog is a fossorial frog native to the deserts of western and central Australia. During dry periods, the frog burrows underground to avoid desiccation. After a period of heavy rain, they emerge from the ground to feed and mate, laying their eggs in temporary pools of water. To prevent the ponds from drying before the tadpoles have morphed, development of the tadpole may only take 60 days.
Spencer's burrowing frog inhabits sandy creeks and rivers. The males will call near a water source, where the call is a rapidly repeated "hoh-hoh-hoh". Eggs are laid in foam, which breaks down in a day to release the eggs into a layer on the top of the water.