Speed Demon (2003 film)

Speed Demon is a 2003 horror film and directed by David DeCoteau and starring Collin Stark, Mark Ian Miller, and Candace Moon.


Jesse returns home from college following the death of his mechanic father. He hooks back up with his brother Mikey and members of the muscle car-driving gang he used to hang with. Otto, the leader of the gang, has in his possession a "speed demon," an ancient demon bound in an amulet.
Mikey challenges Otto to a race and is killed when his car explodes. Grief-stricken, Jesse discovers another speed demon amulet in his home and remembers his father performing a ritual with it. Jesse performs the ritual and one by one the members of Otto's gang are killed by a mysterious black-clad helmeted driver.
As his gang dwindles and desperate to cement his hold on power, Otto challenges Jesse to a showdown. He believes that Jesse has tapped the power of his speed demon. Actually, it's Jesse's girlfriend who's been acting as the masked driver all along. She destroys Otto.
