Spec Sharp

Spec# is a programming language with specification language features that extends the capabilities of the C# programming language with Eiffel-like contracts, including object invariants, preconditions and postconditions. Like ESC/Java, it includes a static checking tool based on a theorem prover that is able to statically verify many of these invariants. It also includes a variety of other minor extensions to the language, such as non-null reference types.
The code contracts API in the.NET Framework 4.0 has evolved with Spec#.
Microsoft Research developed both Spec# and C#; in turn, Spec# serves as the foundation of the Sing# programming language, which Microsoft Research also developed.


Spec# extends the core C# programming language with features such as:
This example shows two of the basic structures that are used when adding contracts to your code.

static int Main
requires args.Length > 0;
ensures return 0;

Sing# is a superset of Spec#. Microsoft Research developed Spec#, and later extended it into Sing# in order to develop the Singularity operating system. Sing# augments the capabilities of Spec# with support for channels and low-level programming language constructs, which are necessary for implementing system software. Sing# is type-safe. The semantics of message-passing primitives in Sing# are defined by formal and written contracts.