Spanish Alternative

Spanish Alternative is a Far-right political party in Spain. It describes itself as "social Christian and cross-sectional". Its Secretary General is the lawyer and businessman Rafael López-Diéguez, former member of the far-right New Force, active formation during the Transition and managed by his father-in-law, the historic leader Blas Piñar, who was named honorary president of AES, a post which he held until his death in January 2014. Although AES doesn't use symbols of Franco's regime, the party has been described as neo-Francoist as well as being considered to be inheritor of New Force. It maintains contacts with the party Navarrese and Spanish Right.


AES holds its program declaration and its public action in four principles: the "defense of life", the "pro-family", "Christian roots" and the "unity of Spain". When the party has to place itself on the political spectrum, AES defines itself as a cross-sectional party that is positioned on the right in moral matter and on the left in social and economic matter. Thus, AES considers homosexual adoption to be an attack on the family and is against same-sex marriages and even same-sex civil unions. It has been described as akin to "fundamentalist Catholicism".
Spanish Alternative takes a hard line on the Autonomic State by proposing to abolish the autonomous communities. To the party's mind, the State of Autonomies is unviable and unsustainable because it constitutes an economic catastrophe, because it has been the main contributory factor to the present crisis, because it promotes the breach of the national integrity and cohesion in its continuing development and because it entails unequal rights among Spaniards depending on their place of birth or residence. However, AES would keep the provincial privileges of Navarre and the Basque Country.

Election results

In the municipal elections of 2015 the party gained 5 town councillors. 2 in Las Labores and 1 in Ampuero, Bárcena de Pie de Concha and Villanueva de la Condesa.

European Parliament