Space Cadets (game show)

Space Cadets was a British comedy panel game broadcast on Channel 4 in 1997. It was presented by "High Commander" Greg Proops with Bill Bailey and Craig Charles as the "Space Captains". It ran for just one series with 10 episodes.
Like the BBC's Have I Got News for You, the contestants were celebrities and the show was played mainly for laughs. Bestselling author Terry Pratchett once appeared as a guest. When the contestants were asked who was Britain's most shoplifted author, Pratchett immediately answered "I am!" which was the correct answer.

Opening sequence text

The following text appeared on the screen in the opening title sequence : 3 Cosmic Comics, On A Journey From Planet Mirth To Do Battle Against The Weird, The Unthinkable, The Unknown. They Are Space Cadets.


These are only some of the rounds used on the show. It is unknown if any other rounds were played in episodes 8–10.
The coloured backgrounds denote the result of each of the shows:
EpisodeAir DateCraig's GuestsCraig's Team NameBill's GuestsBill's Team NameScore
01x0115 July 1997Kim Newman and Ford KiernanMeteorsHattie Hayridge and William ShatnerComets
01x0222 July 1997Sara Cox and Walter KoenigBlobsJohn Moloney and Claudia ChristianThings
01x0329 July 1997Ford Kiernan and Sophie AldredOmegasFred MacAulay and Sylvester McCoyAlphas
01x045 August 1997Trevor Neal and Armin ShimermanQuarksSimon Hickson and Max GrodénchikRoms
01x0512 August 1997Ford Kiernan and William ShatnerLeiasAngela Rippon and Bruce DickinsonLukes
01x0619 August 1997Ben Miller and Kim NewmanStingraysGareth Thomas and Alexander ArmstrongThunderbirds
01x0726 August 1997Felix Dexter and Ed BishopAstronautsRonni Ancona and Rob GrantCosmonauts
01x082 September 1997Terry Pratchett and Fred MacAulay???Elaine C. Smith and Sylvester McCoy???
01x099 September 1997Claudia Christian and Ed ByrneMorksRobert Llewellyn and Susan MooreMindys
01x1016 September 1997Tricia Sullivan and Kevin DayVulcansJohn Moloney and Chloë AnnettKlingons