Competitions in Ballroom dancing in the former Soviet Union were held in three dance categories: Standard dances, Latin dances, and Soviet dances.
Soviet category
The Soviet category comprised With the exception of Polka, these dances were choreographed basing on some folk dances of Soviet republics. The former three are "fast" or "rhythmic" dances, the latter two are "slow" or "lyrical" ones. All of them had distinctive basic techniques. The meter was or for all of them. The hold was either open or loose, without body contact. Polka had the tightest hold. Polka, Sudarushka and Russian Lyrical were progressive dances, i.e., moving along the line of dance. Rylio and Varu-Varu were of "stationary" type. Soviet ballroom dances were a relatively new creation. This dance category was introduced with the stated agenda to counterbalance the influence of Western culture. During the relatively short existence of Soviet Ballroom, only the first three had a chance of becoming true Ballroom/Social dances, judging by the flexibility and spontaneity of choreography, willingness of dancers to dance them during practice hours, etc. Rylio had all chances to repeat the evolution of Swing dances: it was danced quite differently in Baltic republics, in Belarus, and in Moscow. On the contrary, a heat of Sudarushka during a ballroom competition often looked like a performance of a formation team, all competitors dancing almost the same routine. At the peak of popularity some huge ball rooms of Moscow Palaces of Culture crowded parties of several hundred of ballroom couples in 4-5 concentric circles of Sudarushka. Today the category is obsolete, but the dances themselves survived, moved back to the category of folk dances. At some dance events, such as "Neva Cup" in St. Petersburg, balls of Esta-Mephi club, Moscow, or "Russian Formation Cup-2007" held in Tyumen these dances comprise the competition category of "Homeland Dances".
Some basic step-rhythm patterns
The count cues could be any of 12345678, 12341234, 1&2&3&4& or 1&2&1&2&.
All steps/taps are in place, with slight one-foot skipping action. Author - choreographer - Adomas Gineitis
The dance is based on simple steps and jumpy movements created in 1950s in Latvia. It may be danced with any in 4/4 timedisco music.
The dance is based on Russian khorovod dances. the dance is of vivid and light character, of medium to faster tempo in 2/4 time.
Russian Lyrical
The dance is based on Russian folk tunes. It has a soft and smooth character, danced at medium tempo in 2/4 or 4/4 time. The recommended tunes are "Русский лирический" or "Подмосковные вечера"
Other Soviet ballroom
Ballroom dancemanuals of Soviet times list quite a few other Soviet dances promoted to counter the influence of the "Western way of life", created basing on folk dances of the peoples of the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc: