Southern Pulse

Southern Pulse is a consultancy and field-based organization focused on energy, politics, business, and security in Latin America. It was founded by the journalist and author Samuel Logan in 2004, and it now has a network of investigators that operate across the Americas.


Southern Pulse was founded in 2004 by Samuel Logan, a writer and investigative journalist, as a private human intelligence organization with focus in Latin America. The organization currently based in Annapolis, Maryland.
It has operators in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Chile, El Salvador, Colombia, and Brazil, and seeks "to mitigate risk for public and private sector clients with exposure to political, security, financial, or legal risk in Latin America". Using in-country sources and field contracts, Southern Pulse gathers and produces information on these countries security, energy, politics, and business patterns via news feeds or weekly "pulses".


Southern Pulse has an internship program known as Southern Pulse Contributing Editor, where interns are assigned a sub-region in Latin America and are expected to conduct weekly investigations and media monitoring on the area's security, energy, politics, and businesses. On every Friday, the contributing editors are expected to produce their investigations in a document, with references and links to the information they are using.
Applicants should have proficiency in Spanish language and in translation skills, among other qualifications, to be considered for the three-month position.