South-Western Administrative Okrug

South-Western Administrative Okrug, or Yugo-Zapadny Administrative Okrug, is one of the twelve high-level territorial divisions of the federal city of Moscow, Russia. As of the 2010 Census, its population was 1,362,751, up from 1,179,211 recorded during the 2002 Census.

Territorial divisions

The administrative okrug comprises the following twelve districts:
and the airline Aero Rent have their head offices in the administrative okrug's Cheryomushki District. Head office of RusHydro is in Obruchevsky District.


The Moscow Finnish School, the Japanese School in Moscow, the Swedish School in Moscow, and the main campus of the Scuola Italiana Italo Calvino occupy a single campus in Lomonosovsky District.
Hinkson Christian Academy is also in the district.