Sooty Heights

Sooty Heights is a British children's television series, created and presented by Richard Cadell, co-stars Liana Bridges and Brenda Longman, produced by Granada Television, and aired on ITV Network from 27 September 1999 to 11 December 2000. It is the successor to the children's series Sooty & Co and the first programme to feature Cadell as Sooty's right-hand man, following the retirement of Matthew Corbett in 1998. The show focuses on Sooty, Sweep, Soo, Scampi, Richard, and Liana running their new home and business place, the Sooty Heights hotel. The programme operated on the same sitcom format first used by The Sooty Show, and retained some elements from the previous show such as Sooty's camper van and the characters' bedroom.
The series ran for two series, with each consisting of 13 episodes. At its conclusion, Bridges left the programme, while the show was revamped and renamed to Sooty in 2001.


Series 1 (1999)

  1. "Desperately Seeking Squeaky"
  2. "The Hottest Place in Town"
  3. "Water, Water Everywhere"
  4. "The Best of Health"
  5. "Hidden Treasure"
  6. "Friends and Romans"
  7. "Battle of the Bands"
  8. "The Great Supremo"
  9. "Jumble"
  10. "Fast Food"
  11. "Bumps in the Night"
  12. "Double-O Sooty"
  13. "A Christmas Carrot"

    Series 2 (2000)

  14. "To Share is to Care"
  15. "Guard Dog Wanted"
  16. "Vets and Pets"
  17. "Manic Organic"
  18. "Undercover Sooty"
  19. "Vote for Soo"
  20. "Too Many Cooks"
  21. "A Sense of Business"
  22. "Dog Brain of Britain"
  23. "The Hounds of Music"
  24. "You Must Be Joking"
  25. "The Quest"
  26. "Sooty and the Beanstalk"