Song of the Falklands

"Song of the Falklands" is the unofficial anthem of the Falkland Islands. It was written in the 1930s by Christopher Lanham, a Hampshire schoolteacher, while working on West Falkland.


First Verse
In my heart there's a call for the isles far away
Where the wind from the Horn often wanders at play.
Where the kelp moves and swells to the wind and the tide
And penguins troop down from the lonely hillside.
Second Verse
There's a camp house down yonder I'm longing to see,
Though it's no gilded palace it's there I would be.
Just to be there again I would race o’er the foam,
For that lone house so far is my own home sweet home.
Third Verse
Now we’re off to the Falklands, so wild and so free,
Where there's tussock and kelp and the red diddle-dee,
And the wild rugged beauty that thrills more than me
Is bred in the bones on the isles of the sea.