Solent Rescue

Solent Rescue is an independent inshore rescue lifeboat, not run by the RNLI, based at Lepe Country Park south of the New Forest, on the north shore of the Solent in the county of Hampshire in England.


This small independent rescue organisation was set up in 1971 as a beach rescue unit, and has now developed into a full lifeboat station. The organisation operates within a specified area as agreed with Her Majesty's Coastguard. This covers of water and spans from Cowes in the Central Solent to Hurst Castle in the western fringes of this inshore waterway. Solent Rescue is one of seven independent lifeboats who make up the Solent Sea Rescue Organisation; each of these units have equipment that is tailor-made or selected for their unique areas of operation.

2011 to 2016 improvements

Alterations were undertaken at Solent Rescue during this time and the following assets were replaced:
Solent Rescue obtained a 9-metre cabin lifeboat which would allow crew to head out in almost all weather states.
Furthermore, additional support assets were been purchased with the aim to be able to utilize these to assist in times of inland adverse weather conditions within Hampshire along with close SAR support to Lepe and Stanswood beach fronts.

2020 and beyond

With a generous donation from Sidmouth lifeboat, Solent Rescue returned to operating an open RIB far superior to any such vessel that they had previously operated in addition to the D-class they are able to provide good coverage

Neighbouring station locations