Solar eclipse of February 26, 2017

An annular solar eclipse took place on February 26, 2017. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun's, blocking most of the Sun's light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region of the Earth thousands of kilometres wide. Occurring only 4.7 days before perigee, the Moon's apparent diameter was larger. The moon's apparent diameter was just over 0.7% smaller than the Sun's.
February 26 is the 57th day of the year in Gregorian Calendar.
It was visible across southern South America in the morning and ended in south-western Africa at sunset. In Argentina, the best places to see the eclipse were located in the south of the Chubut Province, in the towns of Facundo, Sarmiento and Camarones. Lunar Perigee occurred at about 2017 Mar 03 at 07:41:24.5 UTC, 4.7 days later.

Predictions and additional information

Eclipse characteristics

Eclipse Magnitude: 0.99223
Eclipse Obscuration: 0.98451
Gamma: -0.45780
Saros Series: 140th

Conjunction times

Greatest Eclipse: 26 Feb 2017 14:53:24.5 UTC
Ecliptic Conjunction: 26 Feb 2017 14:58:23.4 UTC
Equatorial Conjunction: 26 Feb 2017 14:38:46.0 UTC

Geocentric coordinates of sun and moon

Sun right ascension: 22.66
Sun declination: -8.5
Sun diameter: 1938.0 arcseconds
Moon right ascension: 22.66
Moon declination: -8.9
Moon diameter: 1895.6 arcseconds

Geocentric libration of moon

Latitude: 5.1 degrees south
Longitude: 0.6 degrees east
Direction: 336.5



Related eclipses

Eclipses of 2017

Preceded: Solar eclipse of January 15, 2010
Followed: Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024

Half-Saros cycle

Preceded: Lunar eclipse of February 21, 2008
Followed: Lunar eclipse of March 3, 2026


Preceded: Solar eclipse of March 29, 2006
Followed: Solar eclipse of January 26, 2028

Solar Saros 140

Preceded: Solar eclipse of February 16, 1999
Followed: Solar eclipse of March 9, 2035


Preceded: Solar eclipse of March 18, 1988
Followed: Solar eclipse of February 5, 2046


Preceded: Solar eclipse of April 28, 1930
Followed: Solar eclipse of December 29, 2103

Solar eclipses 2015–2018

Saros 140

It is a part of Saros cycle 140, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, containing 71 events. The series started with partial solar eclipse on April 16, 1512. It contains total eclipses from July 21, 1656 through November 9, 1836, hybrid eclipses from November 20, 1854 through December 23, 1908, and annular eclipses from January 3, 1927 through December 7, 2485. The series ends at member 71 as a partial eclipse on June 1, 2774. The longest duration of totality was 4 minutes, 10 seconds on August 12, 1692.

Inex series

Metonic cycle