Solar Saros 155

Saros cycle series 155 for solar eclipses occurs at the Moon's ascending node, repeating every 18 years, 11 days. Saros 155 contains 71 events in which of 15 will be partial solar eclipses and other 56 are umbral. There are 60 solar eclipses before 3000 AD. All eclipses in this series occurs at the Moon's ascending node.
This solar saros is linked to Lunar Saros 148.
Total number of eclipses: 71
Total duration: 1262 years
Number of eclipses: 71
Number of eclipses : 15


It contains 71 member events.
Total duration: 1262 years

Umbral eclipses

Umbral eclipses Central Central Non-Central. The statistical distribution of these classes in Saros series 155 appears in the following table.
All Umbral eclipses56100.00%
Central 5598.21%
Central 00.00%
Non-central 11.79%
