
Solanoideae is a subfamily of the flowering plant family Solanaceae, and is sister to the subfamily Nicotianoideae. Within Solanaceae, Solanoideae contains some of the most economically important genera and species, such as the tomato, potato, eggplant or aubergine, chili and bell peppers, mandrakes, and jimson weed.
This subfamily consists of several well-established tribes: Capsiceae, Datureae, Hyoscyameae, Juanulloeae, Lycieae, Nicandreae, Nolaneae, Physaleae, Solandreae, and Solaneae. The subfamily also contains the contended tribes Mandragoreae and Jaboroseae.

Tribal relationships

The relationship between the tribes has recently been well described. Nicandreae is the most basal tribe of the family, placing sister to the other 9 tribes. Datureae lies sister to Nicandreae, Physaleae, Capsiceae, and Solaneae. Solaneae + form a well-supported monophyletic group, but the exact branching within the clade remains unclear.