Soft Khichuri

Soft Khichuri is a rice-based meal popularly eaten in the Sylhet region of Bangladesh. It is a traditionally served in iftar meals during the Islamic month of Ramadan. It consists of aromatic rice mixed with various spices including ghee, kalozira and fenugreek.
There are two types of Soft Khichuri; white soft khichuri and yellow soft khichuri. Chana, Chickpea, piyaju are the side dishes for this meal.


, dal, onions, ginger, a little amount of oil or butter, fenugreek and salt.


Rice and pulses should be cleaned properly for half an hour before cooking. Then in a pan, add rice, pulses, some onion and water with the rest of the ingredients. Some bay leaf also put there. When the water starts boiling, the fire should be lowered and remove the lid to make a gap. After a while, the lid is again covered stirring the mixture. The more stir, the more the rice will break and the mixture will be more delicious. At the end, add rest of the onion and fry them with oil or butter in a pan, mix well and put off the fire.