Socialist Party of National Liberation - Provisional

Socialist Party of National Liberation - Provisional was a pro-Catalan independence political party in the Catalan Countries. The PSAN-P was formed in 1974, as a split of the Socialist Party of National Liberation. The main leaders of the party were Carles Castellanos, Eva Serra i Puig and Agustí Alcoberro.

Ideology and tactics

This new party was more in favor of armed struggle then the PSAN, which forced a significant part of its direction into exile. The PSAN-P had a rupturist and national-popular character and supported direct confrontation with the state. The PSAN-P signed a treaty with ETA and the Unión do Pobo Galego to work jointly with this national liberation movements and signed the Brest Charter.
The party was also in favour of a "sectorial front"-like organization. Due to this the PSAN-P created and union, the Col·lectius d'Obrers en Lluita, and helped two armed organizations; Arxiu, Exèrcit d'Alliberament Català and the Organització de la Lluita Armada. In 1978 the PSAN-P and other organizations also created the Catalan Committee against the Spanish Constitution.
The PSAN-P joined Independentists of the Catalan Countries in March 1979, and disappeared shortly after.