Six-spot burnet

The six-spot burnet is a day-flying moth of the family Zygaenidae.


Zygaena filipendulae is a common species throughout Europe, except the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, northern Scandinavia and the Great Russian North. It is also present in Asia Minor, through the Caucasus to Syria and Lebanon.


This species can be found in meadows, woodland clearings, sea-cliffs and area rich in grasses and flowers, up to 2000 m altitude.


Zygaena filipendulae has a wingspan of. The sexes are similar. The fore wings are dark metallic green with six vivid red spots. Occasionally, the spots are yellow or even black. The hind wings are red with a blackish fringe. The larva is plump and hairy with variable markings, usually pale green with rows of black spots.
It is an aposematic moth because it is distinguished by its colors as toxic to predators like birds and lizards. If attacked it emits a liquid containing cyanide.


The adults fly on hot, sunny days from June to August, and are attracted to a wide variety of flowers such as knapweed and scabious, as well as the larval food plants bird's foot trefoil, Dorycnium, Coronilla and clover.
The species overwinters as a larva. The larva pupates in early summer in a papery cocoon attached to a grass stem.

