Siva (rebreather)

Siva is a model series of frogman's rebreather made by Carleton Life Support originally made by Fullerton Sherwood Engineering Ltd. They are:
The Siva 55 is equipped with two 200 bar spheres with a total volume of 5.6 litres.
The Siva 55 also known as Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus works with any one of 3 Nitrox mixes or pure oxygen. The pure oxygen is used for closed circuit diving so the diver can work without bubbles. The other Nato standard B,C and D mix are standard nitrox mixes used in semiclosed-circuit mode.


The SIVA +, also known as CUMA Canadian Underwater Mine-countermeasure Apparatus, is a selfmixing rebreather. It works on another principle. A constant flow of oxygen is mixed with a diluent volume dependent on the ambient pressure. The deeper the diver dives, the more diluent is added, the leaner the mix is. The correct setpoint is controlled with a partial pressure measuring device. The SIVA + is capable for diving to 90 metres. Diluent can be air, trimix or heliox.