Sitalk Peak

Sitalk Peak is a rocky peak of elevation 600 m in Levski Ridge, Tangra Mountains, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Situated at the end of a side ridge rinning northwards from Great Needle Peak, and linked to a rocky part of that ridge featuring Tutrakan Peak to the south by a 100-metre long ice-covered saddle. Surmounting Huron Glacier and its tributaries to the north, east and west. The peak is named after the Thracian King Sitalk, 431-424 BC.


The peak is located at, which is 700 m north of Tutrakan Peak, 750 m northeast of Plana Peak, 1.46 km east of Nestinari Nunataks, 1.93 km southeast of Kukeri Nunataks and 1.34 km west-southwest of Intuition Peak.
