Sit-ups (punishment)

The sit-ups punishment is a form of punishment given in schools of Indian subcontinent, specially in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. In this punishment, one has to sit down and stand up continuously and count the number of sit-ups. It is a common punishment in schools. Generally students are asked to perform this with holding their ears with hands. For humiliation, it is done in front of other students. Normally given in the range of 10 to 100 sit up for boys and 10-50 sit up for girls.


There are many forms of this punishment.

Simple Situps

The student will do situps holding his ears. The hands should be ninety degrees with the body. Also he/she has to count loudly with every step. If the count is not hearable the term will repeat. Every term he/she has to sit fully so that his back touch the heals and to stand straight.

Criss-Cross Earholding

The punished will hold his/her left year with right hand and right ear with left hand. This may cause hardness and humiliation to the punishment. It is widely implemented.

Pairing Situps

There will be more than one student and they will hold ears of one another and do the situps. This makes the punishment more hard as the punished have to take weight of the other. Also criss-cross earholding can be applied here. Then it will be much harder to complete.

Situps touching heals

It is also variant used with the simple situps. Here the punished's heals should touch one another. This will cause friction between the knees for that he/she can fall. Criss-cross earholding can be applied here..

Doing sit up in sun

Doing situps in the sun is very hard to perform.