Sissili Province

Sissili is one of the 45 provinces of Burkina Faso, located in its Centre-Ouest Region. In 2006 the population was 212,628 and in 2011 the population was 240,830, an increase of 13.3%.
Its capital is Léo.


In 2011 the province had 194 primary schools and 18 secondary schools.


In 2011 the province had 31 health and social promotion centers, 3 doctors and 65 nurses.


Sissili is divided into 7 departments:
Bieha DepartmentBieha29,859
Boura DepartmentBoura24,574
Leo DepartmentLeo50,378
Nebielianayou DepartmentNebielianayou7,733
Niabouri DepartmentNiabouri19,068
Silly DepartmentSilly33,350
To DepartmentTo47,666