Simone Soares

Simone Soares is a Brazilian actress.


In television, started in 1998, Rede Record, when he acted in A História de Ester. Still made in the same station, in 1999 Tiro e Queda and Louca Paixão. After the actress went to SBT and participated alumnus Ô... Coitado. In 2002, he served in the novel Marisol.
In 2005, he moved to Rede Globo and entered into A Lua Me Disse. In 2006, he made Os Amadores. Then the novel O Profeta. In 2007, participated in the series Sob Nova Direção. Then came the novel Sete Pecados. In 2008, another series Casos e Acasos, Dicas de Um Sedutor and Guerra e Paz.
In 2009, participated in the miniseries Maysa - Quando Fala o Coração. Came later in the novel Malhação. Made after Aline. Then the novel Caras & Bocas. Written in 2010 Escrito nas Estrelas and in 2011 O Astro.

Personal life

Simone was married to director Mário Meirelles and had a daughter, Luana.


