Silla (rapper)

Matthias Schulze better known as Silla is a German rapper, who had been signed to label I Luv Money Records. In 2010 Schulze changed his pseudonym "Godsilla" to "Silla" to avoid a lawsuit by Toho, the owners of the rights to Godzilla.


Musical career

2004 he released his first Solo album Übertalentiert. A year later he released an album with King Orgasmus One Schmutzige Euros. Releasing Massenhysterie in 2006 first music videos were shot. In 2007 a sequel to Schmutzige Euros followed.
2007 he met rapper Fler who was featured on his next album City of God. Equal to the track they named the collaboration album they released 2008 over Aggro Berlin. According to Silla he sold about 25.000 copies of his albums till 2007.
In summer 2009 he had to be reanimated due to alcohol overdose. His next album Silla Instinkt came 2011, again over I Luv Money Records. Afterwards he signed to Fler's new label Maskulin and released Die Passion Whisky and Audio Anabolika.
2015 he changed to the label Major Movez, released one album and two mixtaped until now.



Collaboration albums

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