Silent Hunter (laser weapon)

The Silent Hunter is an anti-drone laser weapon developed in China by Poly Technologies. It is an improved version of the 30-kilowatt Low-Altitude Laser Defending System and is available in both fixed and mobile versions.


The Silent Hunter uses an electrically powered fiber optic laser and according to one Poly official, has a maximum power that is between 30 and 100 kilowatts and a maximum range of four kilometers. Although it is primarily designed to search, track, and destroy low-flying drones, it is powerful enough to "ablate" or penetrate five 2 millimeter steel plates at a range of 800 meters or a single 5 millimeter steel plate at 1000 meters. The sheer bulk of the Silent Hunter prevents its use on an aerial platform.

Operational history

A Poly official claimed that the Silent Hunter was used to safe guard the September 2016 G-20 Summit in Hangzhou, China.

International exhibition

The Silent Hunter was first unveiled at the 2017 IDEX show in Abu Dhabi. It was again showcased at the International Exhibition of Weapons Systems and Military Equipment in Kazakhstan in 2018.