Sihali Kalan

Sihali Kalan is a village in the gram panchayat of Sihali Khurd, Mundawar tehsil, Alwar district, Rajasthan, India. It is 10 km from Mandawar and 60 km from Alwar.
The nearest town of any size is Khairthal, 19 km away.
In the 2011 census the village had a population of 1,261 in 234 households.
The local language is Rajasthani. The two main political parties, as nationally, are the INC and the BJP.
The area of the village is 561 hectares. There is a small coeducational state school here, the Government Secondary School Sihali Kalan, and a temple of Baba Kundan Das Maharaj Ji. The "Dhuna" of Baba Kundan Das Maharaj Ji is a fabulous place to visit. Liquor is offered to the temple "Dhuna". Every day, many devotees hand over the liquor bottles to the Baba Kundandas Ji Maharaj "Dhuna", and about one-third of the bottle is returned to each devotee as prasāda.