Sibilobilo Safari Area

Sibilobilo Safari Area comprises the Sibilobilo Islands in Lake Kariba and is part of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Estate.

History of the park

The safari area was proclaimed in 1975, prior to which it was a Controlled Hunting Area, since the impoundment of Lake Kariba.




[Geography] and [geology]

The Safari Area comprises 13 islands in Lake Kariba, the largest of which are Namembere, Namagwaba and Weather, and 2,130 ha of the Sengwa Peninsular.
The Sibilobilo area is underlain by rocks of the Mesozoic Upper Karoo Group, predominantly sandstones and basalts. Specimens of Vulcanodon karibaensis have been found in the Vulcanodon beds within the Batoka basalt.

Archaeological">Archaeology">Archaeological, historical">History">historical and cultural">Culture">cultural sites

Accommodation">Lodging">Accommodation and [camping]

None current or proposed.



By boat from Kariba or by motorable track from Bumi Hills.

Concessions">Concession (contract)">Concessions

The Sibilobilo Safari Area is divided into two sections A and B, which are let under concession to tour operators or for recreational hunting.