Shushrusha Citizens' Co-operative Hospital

Shushrusha Citizens' Co-operative Hospital is located in Shivaji Park, Mumbai, foudred in 1966 by Dr. V.S. Ranadive. Shushrusha is a Hospital Co-operative initiative; Doctors' Co-operatives are long standing; the contribution of Mission, Voluntary, Government and Private Hospitals, is well recognised.


The hospital has grown progressively form 80 bed to 130 with an ICU with 17 beds and modern state-of-the-art technology throughout the facility.
Latest diagnostic facilities such as imaging equipment e.g. Ultrasound with Doppler, Ventilators for critical care, Operating Microscopes, Dialysis Unit, Blood Gas Analysers, Cardiac Monitoring equipment, EEG/EMG and ancillary aids complement the facility.
Specialized operations for spinal injuries and brain tumours, lungs, intestine, breast, speciality surgical treatment for Cancer, Trauma, Sport injuries, Joint replacement, Micro-surgeries of limb Reimplants and Reconstruction, are all available. Coronary Angiography, Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac surgery amongst other facilities are on the horizon.
Encouraged by this successful experiment at this main campus, the Management has decided to extend this experiment to one of the busy suburbs of Mumbai, Vikhroli, with replication of the model.
Medical tourism is being investigated. Shushrusha Citizens’ Co-operative Hospital is registered with all existing TPAs and Insurance Companies. ISO Certification is in the works. The hospital proposes to attract people from abroad, who would find it much less expensive to have the medical care, combined with tourism, and return fully cured healthy as true Ambassadors. Shushrusha proposes to extend in-patient and domiciliary cover and treatment to elderly parents of Indians diaspora abroad.

Co-Operative concept and organization

The members of the Co-operative society run the hospital for the people.
The care is concessional for members.
The unique aspect of this hospital is that this is the only hospital in Mumbai, and probably the first in India, which falls under the cooperative sector. This experiment was necessitated by the fact that private medical facilities charge exorbitantly for services rendered and the public hospitals lack hygiene and they are badly managed. In such a situation, this hospital envisages providing "The Third Force" – institutions where the health of the patient is more important than financial resources.
The cooperative membership is open to citizens of Greater Mumbai and Thane Districts.

Community services

The hospital serves the community by conducting free camps in the various fields for prevention, diseases and disabilities, both physical and mental.
Participation in medical and health education and research by medical personnel:
Hospital Day is celebrated on 20 May : the celebration for co-operative movement.