Shughni language

Shughni or Khughni is one of the Pamir languages of the Southeastern Iranian language group. Its distribution is in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region in Tajikistan and Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan.
Shughni-Rushani tends towards SOV word order, distinguishes a masculine and a feminine gender in nouns and some adjectives as well as the 3rd person singular of verbs. Shughni distinguishes between an absolutive and an oblique case in its system of pronouns. Rushani is noted for a typologically unusual 'double-oblique' construction, also called a 'transitive case', in the past tense. Normally Soviet school scientists consider Rushani as an close but independent language to Shughni, whilst Western school scientists codes Rushani as an dialect of Shughni due to Afghanistan Rushani speakers living in Sheghnan district of Badakhshan Province.


, Bartangi, Oroshor, Khufi, and Shughni proper are considered to be dialects. However, Bartangi and Khufi are quite distinct, and may be separate languages.



Cyrillic alphabet

The Shughni cyrillic alphabet is as follows:
А аА̄ а̄Б бВ вВ̌ в̌Г гҒ ғГ̌ г̌Ғ̌ ғ̌Д дД̌ д̌
Е еЁ ёЖ жЗ зЗ̌ з̌И иӢ ӣЙ йК кҚ қЛ л
М мН нО оП пР рС сТ тТ̌ т̌У уӮ ӯУ̊ у̊
Ф фХ хҲ ҳХ̌ х̌Ц цЧ чҶ ҷШ шъЭ э-

Latin alphabet

The Shughni latin alphabet is as follows:
А аА̄ а̄B bV vV̌ v̌G gĞ ğȞ ȟɤ ɤD dĎ ď
Е еЁ ёʑZ zŽ žI iĪ īǏ ǐK kQ qL l
M mN nО оP pR rС сТ тТ̌ т̌Y yȲ ȳY̊ ẙ
F fKH khH hХ̌ х̌C cTs t͡sÇ çʃ ʅ'E e-



