Shoulder wound of Jesus

The traditional prayer in honor of the Shoulder Wound of Jesus calls to mind the Wound He is said to have received carrying His Cross. It is variously attributed to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux or to St. Gertrude or St. Mechtilde.
According to pious legend, St. Bernard asked Jesus which was His greatest unrecorded suffering and the wound that inflicted the most pain on Him in Calvary and Jesus answered: "I had on My Shoulder, while I bore My Cross on the Way of Sorrows, a grievous Wound which was more painful than the others and which is not recorded by men."
Emily Jo Sargent observes that the Shoulder Wound did not inspire as significant a devotional following as the Wound in the Side "...with its direct access to Christ's Heart."


In English:
The modern version of the prayer bears the imprimatur of Bishop Thomas D. Bevan, who was bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts from 1875 to 1920.

Revelation of Padre Pio

venerated the Shoulder wound of Jesus and suffered it himself as a stigma.
According to Stefano Campanella, author of "Il papa e il frate", Pope John Paul II visited Padre Pio when he was still a priest and asked the question as to which was his most painful wound. Father Wojtyla expected that it was his chest wound, but the saint replied: "It is my shoulder wound, which no one knows about and has never been cured or treated".