Shotgun wedding

A shotgun wedding is a wedding that is arranged to avoid embarrassment due to premarital sex possibly leading to an unintended pregnancy, rather than out of the desire of the participants. The phrase is a primarily American colloquialism, termed as such based on a stereotypical scenario where the father of the pregnant bride-to-be threatens the reluctant groom with a shotgun to ensure that he follows through with the wedding.


One purpose of such a wedding can be to get recourse from the man for the act of impregnation; another reason is trying to ensure that the child is raised by both parents. In some cases, as in early America and in the Middle East, a major objective was the restoring of social honour to the mother. The practice is a loophole method of preventing the birth of legally illegitimate children, or if the marriage occurs early enough, to conceal the fact that conception occurred prior to marriage. In some societies the stigma attached to pregnancy out of wedlock can be enormous, and coercive means for gaining recourse are often seen as the prospective father-in-law's "right", and an important, albeit unconventional, coming of age event for the young father-to-be. Often a couple will arrange a shotgun wedding without explicit outside encouragement, and some religious teachings consider it a moral imperative to marry in that situation.

By culture


West Asia

Pre-marital sexual relations remain taboo across all social strata throughout the Middle East. In many cases, fornication is illegal and even a criminal offence. Even when it is not, the social response can be extreme, especially against women who have lost their virginity prior to marriage.
In this cultural milieu, shotgun weddings serve to obscure the fact that a baby was conceived prior to marriage. When that proves impossible, the social standing of the couple involved is irreparably damaged. Nevertheless, shotgun weddings serve to prevent the individuals involved, especially the women, from becoming social pariahs.
Apart from instances of regional slang, there is no special term for "shotgun weddings" in Arabic. This is because they are not recognised as a regular social phenomenon and because a successful Middle Eastern shotgun wedding is not known to be a shotgun wedding by the guests.

East Asia

Because of the sexual revolution beginning in the 1960s, the concepts of love, sexuality, procreation and marriage began to separate after being intimately entangled in social consciousness for centuries. However, sexual practice had not always followed social convention, resulting in shotgun or Knobstick weddings.
Moetjes were a common occurrence in Belgium and the Netherlands until the first half of the 20th century. In the early 1960s, about a quarter of all marriages in the Netherlands were shotgun marriages; however, in some areas, up to 90% of the brides were pregnant. By the late 2000s, the practice had become so rare that the term was growing obsolete. According to a 2013 by the Centrum voor Leesonderzoek, the word moetje was recognised by 82.5% of the Dutch and 43.1% of the Flemish.

North America
