Shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics – Men's 300 metre free rifle, team

The men's team free rifle at 300 metres was one of 15 events on the shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. The competition was held on Thursday, 9 July 1908 and was extended after sunset to Friday, 10 July 1908 — it was the first shooting event of the Games. Fifty-four sport shooters from nine nations competed.
The teams used different rifles. France shot with a Swiss Martini; Denmark used a Crag-Jørgensen; Greece and the Netherlands shot with a Mannlicher; Sweden used a government-issue Mauser; and Finland shot with a Mofferd. Norway used private match rifles. Due to winds blowing against the players, teams with light rifles faced more difficulty.



Teams consisted of six shooters, with each shooter firing 120 shots at the target 300 metres distant. 40 shots were fired from each of three positions—standing, kneeling, and prone. A bulls-eye counted for 10 points, and thus the highest possible score for each shooter was 1200 points, with the team maximum being 7200.