Shmuel Schneersohn

Shmuel Schneersohn was an Orthodox rabbi and the fourth Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch chasidic movement.


Shmuel Schneersohn was born in Lyubavichi, on 2 Iyar 5594, the seventh son of the Tzemach Tzedek. He faced competition from three of his brothers, primarily from Yehuda Leib Schneersohn who established a dynasty in Kapust upon their father's death. Other brothers also established dynasties in Lyady, Nizhyn, and Ovruch.
In 1848, Schneersohn was married to the daughter of his brother, Chaim Shneur Zalman Schneersohn. After several months, she died, and he then married Rivkah, a granddaughter of his own grandfather Dovber Schneuri. He had three sons, Zalman Aharon, Shalom Dovber and Menachem Mendel as well as one daughter, Devorah Leah.
Schneersohn was said to have had chariots on call for the evacuation of books in time of fire.
Besides his communal activism, he had wide intellectual interests. He spoke several languages, including Latin. He wrote widely on a range of religious and secular topics, and much of his writing has never been published and remains in manuscript form alone. His discourses began to be published for the first time under the title Likkutei Torat Shmuel in 1945 by Kehot, and 12 volumes have so far been printed.
He died in Lyubavichi, on 13 Tishrei 5643, leaving three sons and two daughters, and was succeeded by his son Sholom Dovber.
Schneersohn urged the study of Kabbalah as a prerequisite for one's humanity:
A person who is capable of comprehending the seder hishtalshelus - and fails to do so - cannot be considered a human being. At every moment and time one must know where his soul stands. It is a mitzvah and an obligation to know the seder hishtalshelus.


"The world says, 'If you can't crawl under, climb over.' But I say, Lechatchilah Ariber--'At the outset, one should climb over.'"

"You cannot fool God; ultimately, you cannot fool others either. The only one you can fool is yourself. And to fool a fool is no great achievement."

"because better is better, is good not good? rather good is good, and better is better!"
"Why are you demanding of me? Demand of yourself! If you toil and fill your mind with Torah there won't be any space for foreign thoughts! break your desires and you will feel great pleasure in prayer!"