
Shitoku was a Japanese era name of the Northern Court during the Era of Northern and Southern Courts after Eitoku and before Kakei. This period spanned the years from February 1384 to August 1387. The emperor in Kyoto was Emperor Go-Komatsu The Southern Court rival in Yoshino during this time-frame was Emperor Go-Kameyama.

Nanboku-chō overview

During the Meiji period, an Imperial decree dated March 3, 1911 established that the legitimate reigning monarchs of this period were the direct descendants of Emperor Go-Daigo through Emperor Go-Murakami, whose Southern Court had been established in exile in Yoshino, near Nara.
Until the end of the Edo period, the militarily superior pretender-Emperors supported by the Ashikaga shogunate had been mistakenly incorporated in Imperial chronologies despite the undisputed fact that the Imperial Regalia were not in their possession.
This illegitimate Northern Court had been established in Kyoto by Ashikaga Takauji.
Southern Court Equivalents: Genchū

Change of era

In this time frame, Genchū was the Southern Court equivalent nengō.

Events of the Shitoku era