Shirgaon, Solapur

Shirgaon is a village in located in a Pandharpur tehsil, Solapur district, Maharashtra, India. It is 11 km from the holy place well known for Pandurang or Vitthal, Pandharpur.
Long before the shirgaon was located near to Maan river. But in search of better place it moved away from river inside 3 km away from highway.
It has the more land area than other villages in panchkroshi.
Shirgaon has rich cultural history. It is having blessings of lord Mahadev and Hanuman. Lord Mahadeva's temple build in a Hemadpanthi style.
Bhandara of Lord Mahadev is the main event celebrated in Shirgaon. On that auspicious day devotees from nearby places take blessings of Lord Mahadev. The programmes of Bhajan, Kirtan arranged on this occasion.
The another big event is Vetalbaba's Jatra. The main attraction of this event is the programmes such as Tamasha or drama when people from surrounding villages gather to see in nights.
Also people celebrate the goddesses Lakshmi and Mariaai yatras.
The Ganesh festival, Jotibachi Palkhi, Goddess Tulja Bhawani festival are also celebrated with same enthusiasm.
Geography of Shirgaon is divided in to the 6 areas called as Main gaon, Varcha Mala , Patil Mala , Pimpalacha Mala , Wadekar Mala and Ranaware Vasti . Majority section of the population in the Shirgaon is belongs to the Ghadage .
The sugarcane, jowar, grapes, maize are the important crops taken by farmers. The new ideas always implemented in farming to increase the production.