Shirase Glacier

Shirase Glacier is a large glacier entering Havsbotn, the bay that forms the head of Lutzow-Holm Bay in Antarctica. The area occupied by this feature was first mapped as a bay and named Instefjorden by the Lars Christensen Expedition of 1936–37. Surveys by Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition of 1957–62, revealed the large glacier in this position which they named after Lt. Nobu Shirase, leader of the Japanese Antarctic Expedition of 1911–12.
The Instekleppane Hills are a group of low rock hills that protrude above the ice slopes at the east side of Shirase Glacier, just south of the southeastern extremity of Lützow-Holm Bay in Antarctica. The hills were mapped by Norwegian cartographers from air photos taken by LCE personnel and named "instekleppane" after their appearance. Azarashi Rock, named by JARE and meaning "seal rock," is located approximately 1 mile north.