Sheryl Williams Stapleton

Sheryl Williams Stapleton is a member of the New Mexico House of Representatives where she represents District 19. A member of the Democratic Party, she is currently the majority floor leader in the House. She was first elected to office in 1994 and is the first African-American woman elected to the New Mexico legislature.
On 14 December 2011, Williams called the current Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, "the Mexican on the Fourth Floor" while she was talking to State Representative Nora Espinoza during a committee break at the Capitol in Santa Fe. Williams denied she meant the phrase as an ethnic slur. In her apology, Williams also said, "I am a Latina."
Following the 2016 elections, Williams was chosen by the Democratic Caucus of New Mexico as House Majority Leader. She is the first ever African American majority leader of the New Mexico House.


Sheryl Williams Stapleton has received her education from the following institutions:
Sheryl Williams Stapleton has had the following political experience:
Sheryl Williams Stapleton has been a member of the following committees:
Sheryl Williams Stapleton has been a member of the following committees:
Sheryl Williams Stapleton has had the following professional experience: