Shenandoah Valley Governor's School

The Shenandoah Valley Governor's School is one of Virginia's 18 state-initiated magnet Governor's Schools. It is a part-time school where 11th and 12th grade students take advanced classes in the morning.


There are two curricula at SVGS:
The curriculum for the Math Science and Technology program includes the following college prep and dual enrollment classes: Research and Engineering, Robotics, Advanced Technology, Astrophysics, AP Computer Science, Pre Calculus, AP Calculus, DE Calculus, DE Discrete Mathematics, AP Statistics, DE Molecular Biology, AP Environmental Science, DE Environmental Chemistry, DE Physics, and Modern Physics.
The curriculum for the Arts and Humanities program includes DE Acting I, Acting II, DE Introduction to Theatre, Advanced Dramatic Theories and Criticism, advanced art classes, DE Humanities 111/112, DE Communication, DE Psychology, and DE The Humanities in Western Culture.

Contributing schools