Sheila Leirner is a French Brazilian curator, journalist, and art critic, as well as a writer. She was chief curator of the XVIII and XIX São Paulo Art Biennials.
In 1975, became an art critic in the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. She joined the Association of Brazilian Art Critics, receiving the award Best Critic of the Year critic given by the ABCA and the State Department of Culture. Leirner is a member of the International Council of Museums, representing the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume for Latin America from 1993 to 1999; the International Association of Art Critics ; and, in 1992, became a member of the AICA's French section. She is the author of artist biographies, essays and translations published in journals and national and international supplements including D'Ars, Beaux Arts Magazine, Europe Magazine Littéraire, DNA, Revista da USP, Folha de S.Paulo, Cadernos de Literatura Brasileira, among others. Leirner is a curator of exhibitions, as well as jury member and guest lecturer in Latin America, Africa, US, Asia, and Europe. She made the video Loving Trilogy, which is part of the collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art, University of São Paulo. She was chief curator of the XVIII and XIX São Paulo Art Biennials, obtaining the Artistic Personality of the Year award in Latin America, given by the Art Critics Association of Argentina, and the decoration Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of the French government. Living and working in Paris since 1991, Leirner joined the international selection committee for the UNESCO Aschberg Bursaries organized by the International Fund for the promotion of culture; and the regional committee of the Ile-de-France, responsible for examining the projects of the French ministries of the Interior and Education.
Selected publications
Visão da Terra. Participación en la antología de ensayos
Arte como Medida. Colección Debates/Crítica
Arte e seu Tempo. Colección Debates/Crítica
Enciclopédia Arco Data Latino Americana. Coordinación general de la parte dedicada al Brasil
Ars in Natura. Participación en la antología de ensayos
Horizontes del arte latinoamericano. Participación en la antología de ensayos
Lateinamerikanische Kunst. Participación en la antología de ensayos
"O Pequeno Infinito e o Grande Circunscrito", colectiva, Galería Arco, São Paulo, 1990
"A Forma Selvagem", Marcia Grostein, Museo de Arte de São Paulo, 1994
"Los siete días de la creación", Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Buenos Aires, 1990
"Joan Miró", comemoração do primeiro centenário do nascimento do artista, UNESCO, 1993
"Ameriques Latines, art contemporain", Hôtel des Arts, exposição ligada à retrospectiva "Art Latinoamericain" no Centro Pompidou durante o quinto centenário do "Rencontre des Deux Mondes", Paris, 1993
"Caminhos do Contemporâneo 1952-2002", coletiva, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, 2002
"2080", coletiva, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, 2003
"Onde está você, Geração 80?", coletiva, CCBB, Rio de Janeiro, 2004
Catálogos para as exposições monográficas "Julio Le Parc": Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre; Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo; Galería Nara Roesler, SP; Museu de Belas-Artes de Buenos Aires; Museu de Belas-Artes de Mendoza.
Caderno 2, O Estado de São Paulo, Jornal da Tarde, Guia das Artes, Módulo, Artworld/MundoArte, Revista do Masp, Arcolatina, Arte en Colombia, D'Ars, Bravo!, República, Vogue, Beaux-Arts Magazine, Ars, Revista da Usp, Jornal de Resenhas, Cadernos de Literatura Brasileira - Instituto Moreira Salles.