Sheikh Abdi Abikar Gafle

Sheikh Abdi Abikar Gāfle, also known as Gāfle, is a Bimaal ma’allin and warrior born in Armadobe in 1852. He was also a figure in the Bimāl Revolt against the Italians. He died in 1922. He is described as one of the best known resistance leaders in Southern Somalia and from Merca.


Gāfle finished his Quranic education and studies at home. He subsequently went to the Eel Gaal center close to Merca where he studied:
In 1888, Gaafle started to travel increasingly all over the Shabelle Valley preaching his ideology, teaching and warning the public and about the Italian colonizers.

The Bimal Revolt

Gāfle took part in the Igalle shir in June 1896 and led an army against the Italians. Gāfle was behind the alliance with the Dervishes and their leader Sayid Mohamed. Although the Dervishes provided Gāfle with firearms, they would not fight with him. Gāfle is said to have continued his resistance until 1908.