
In computer science, the Sharp Satisfiability Problem is the problem of counting the number of interpretations that satisfies a given Boolean formula, introduced by Valiant in 1979. In other words, it asks in how many ways the variables of a given Boolean formula can be consistently replaced by the values TRUE or FALSE in such a way that the formula evaluates to TRUE. For example, the formula is satisfiable by three distinct boolean value assignments of the variables, namely, for any of the assignments,,
, we have = TRUE.
#SAT is different from Boolean satisfiability problem, which asks if there exists a solution of Boolean formula. Instead, #SAT asks to enumerate all the solutions to a Boolean Formula. #SAT is harder than SAT in the sense that, once the total number of solutions to a Boolean formula is known, SAT can be decided in constant time. However, the converse is not true, because knowing a Boolean formula has a solution does not help us to count all the solutions, as there are exponential number of possibilities.
#SAT is a well-known example of the class of counting problems, known as #P-complete. In other words, every instance of a problem in the complexity class #P can be reduced to an instance of the #SAT problem. This is an important result because many difficult counting problems arise in Enumerative Combinatorics, Statistical physics, Network Reliability, and Artificial intelligence without any known formula. If a problem is shown to be hard, then it provides a complexity theoretic explanation for the lack of nice looking formulas.


#SAT is #P-complete. To prove this, first note that #SAT is obviously in #P.
Next, we prove that #SAT is #P-hard. Take any problem #A in #P. We know that A can be solved using a Non-deterministic Turing Machine M. On the other hand, from the proof for Cook-Levin Theorem, we know that we can reduce M to a boolean formula F. Now, each valid assignment of F corresponds to a unique acceptable path in M, and vice versa. However, each acceptable path taken by M represents a solution to A. In other words, there is a bijection between the valid assignments of F and the solutions to A. So, the reduction used in the proof for Cook-Levin Theorem is parsimonious. This implies that #SAT is #P-hard.

Intractable special cases

Counting solutions is intractable in many special cases for which satisfiability is tractable, as well as when satisfiability is intractable. This includes the following.


This is the counting version of 3SAT. One can show that any formula in SAT can be rewritten as a formula in 3-CNF form preserving the number of satisfying assignments. Hence, #SAT and #3SAT are counting equivalent and #3SAT is #P-complete as well.


Even though 2SAT is polynomial, counting the number of solutions is #P-complete.


Similarly, even though Horn-satisfiability is polynomial, counting the number of solutions is #P-complete. This result follows from a general dichotomy characterizing which SAT-like problems are #P-complete.

Planar #3SAT

This is the counting version of Planar 3SAT. The hardness reduction from 3SAT to Planar 3SAT given by Lichtenstein is parsimonious. This implies that Planar #3SAT is #P-complete.

Planar Monotone Rectilinear #3SAT

This is the counting version of Planar Monotone Rectilinear 3SAT. The NP-hardness reduction given by de Berg & Khosravi is parsimonious. Therefore, this problem is #P-complete as well.

Tractable special cases

Model-counting is tractable for BDDs and for d-DNNFs.


sharpSAT is software for solving practical instances of the #SAT problem.