Shareable Content Object Reference Model is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based electronic educational technology. It defines communications between client side content and a host system, which is commonly supported by a learning management system. SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file called "Package Interchange Format." SCORM is a specification of the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative from the Office of the United States Secretary of Defense. SCORM 2004 introduced a complex idea called sequencing, which is a set of rules that specifies the order in which a learner may experience content objects. In simple terms, they constrain a learner to a fixed set of paths through the training material, permit the learner to "bookmark" their progress when taking breaks, and assure the acceptability of test scores achieved by the learner. The standard uses XML, and it is based on the results of work done by AICC, IEEE LTSC, and Ariadne.
SCORM was designed to be web-based and utilizes JavaScript to facilitate communication between the client side content and the run-time environment. Each SCORM version specifies the methods that the run-time environment should support and how those methods should behave. Content launched by the run time environment can then call those methods utilizing JavaScript.
This was the first version that was widely used. It is still widely used and is supported by most Learning Management Systems.
SCORM 2004
This is the current version. It is based on new standards for API and content object-to-runtime environment communication, with many ambiguities of previous versions resolved. Includes ability to specify adaptive sequencing of activities that use the content objects. Includes ability to share and use information about the success status for multiple learning objectives or competencies across content objects and across courses for the same learner within the same learning management system. A more robust test suite helps ensure good interoperability.
SCORM 2004 editions
3rd Edition – clarification of various conformance requirements and of the interaction between content objects and the runtime environment for sequencing; some new conformance requirements to improve interoperability.
4th Edition Released – more stringent interoperability requirements, more flexible data persistence
SCORM 2004 specification books
Overview – introduces SCORM and describes how the other books relate
Run-Time Environment – describes runtime API and data model used for communication between content objects and learning management systems
Sequencing and Navigation – describes how sequencing between learning activities is defined and interpreted
Compliance Requirements – detailed list of the conformance requirements that are verified by the ADL SCORM conformance test suite.
The Experience API was finalized to version 1.0 in April 2013. The Experience API solves many of the problems inherent with older versions of SCORM. Just like SCORM, ADL is the steward of the Experience API. AICC with their cmi5 planned to use xAPI as their transport standard, but AICC membership decided to dissolve the organization and transferred cmi5 to ADL. The Experience API is a web service that allows software clients to read and write experiential data in the form of “statement” objects. In their simplest form, statements are in the form of “I did this”, or more generally “actor verb object”. More complex statement forms can be used. There is also a built-in query API to help filter recorded statements, and a state API that allows for a sort of “scratch space” for consuming applications. Experience API statements are stored in a data store called a Learning Record Store, which can exist on its own or within a Learning Management System.
SCORM timeline
January 1999 — Executive Order 13111 signed tasking the DoD to develop common specifications and standards for e-learning across both federal and private sectors.
September 2011 — The initial draft of the next generation of SCORM is released.
June 2012 —.9 version of the Tin Can API is released.
August 2012 —.95 version of the Tin Can API is released.
April 2013 — 1.0.0 version of the Tin Can API is released, project name was changed to "Experience API" or xAPI, but many still refer to it as the Tin Can API.