Shapsug Adyghe dialect

The Shapsug dialect is a dialect of Adyghe. The Shapsug dialect is spoken by the Shapsugs, which are one of the largest Circassian population in the diaspora outside Republic of Adygea, alongside Abzakhs. The Shapsug dialect is very similar to the Natukhai dialect and together, they make the Black Sea coast dialects of Adyghe. The Shapsug dialect consists of three main sub dialects: Great Shapsug, Small Shapsug and Hakuchi. The Shapsug dialect is best known as the dialect with palatalized velar stops.


Palatalized velar stops

In the Shapsug and Natukhai dialects there is a palatalized voiced velar stop , a palatalized voiceless velar stop and a palatalized velar ejective that were merged with дж, ч and кӏ in most Adyghe dialects. Note that the Shapsug dialect also has ч, дж and кӏ in words like чэмы "cow", джэмышх "spoon" and кӏалэ "boy".
The retroflex affricate consonants чъ and чӏ merged with the palato-alveolar affricate consonants ч and кӏ in the Shapsug and Natukhai dialects.
In the Great Shapsug dialect in some cases the consonants н, м and р are dropped and are not pronounced.
In the Shapsug dialect there exist a series of aspirated consonants that became plain consonants in other dialects:
In some Shapsug and Natukhai dialects there exist an alveolar ejective fricative that correspond to in other dialects such as Abzakh, Bzhedug, Temirgoy, and Kabardian.
The labialized retroflex consonants шъу and жъу in the Temirgoy dialect are alveolo-palatal щу and жьу in the Black Sea coast dialects of Adyghe.
The Shapsug and Natukhai dialects has many different variants. The following differences apply to some of them.

Instrumental case

In the instrumental case the noun has the suffix -мгьэ or -гьэ unlike other dialects that has the suffix -мкӏэ or -кӏэ.
In the Shapsug dialect, the suffix ~рагъу /raːʁʷ/ is added to verbs to indicate the desirement to do that verb. For example:
In Standard Adyghe, to express that the verb's direction is upward, the prefix дэ- /da-/ and the suffix -е /-ja/ is added to the verb. In Shapsug dialect, the prefix чӏэ- /t͡ʃʼa-/ is added instead.


Shapsug has six demonstratives: а /ʔaː/, гьэ /ɡʲa/, у /wə/, дыу /dəwə/, дымы /dəmə/ and мы /mə/.
а /ʔaː/
  1. : а ӏанэ — that table
  2. : а пшъашъэ — that girl
  3. : а кӏалэм еӏо — that boy is saying
у /wə/
  1. : у ӏанэ — that table
  2. : у пшъашъэ — that girl
  3. : у кӀалэм еӀо — that boy is saying
мы /mə/
  1. : мы ӏанэ — this table
  2. : мы пшъашъэ — this girl
  3. : мы кӀалэм еӀо — this boy is saying
  4. : мы мэгъэ — this year
дыу /dəwə/
  1. : дыу ӏанэ — that table over there
  2. : дыу пшъашъэ — that girl over there
  3. : дыу кӀалэм еӀо — that boy over there is saying
  4. : дыу цӀыфэр улъэгъуа? — Do you see that person over there?
дымы /dəmə/
  1. : дымы ӏанэ — this table over here
  2. : дымы пшъашъэ — this girl over here
  3. : дымы кӀалэм еӀо — this boy over here is saying
  4. : дымы цӀыфэр улъэгъуа? — Do you see this person over here?
гьэ /gʲa/
  1. : гьэ ӏанэ — that table
  2. : гьэ пшъашъэ — that girl
  3. : гьэ кӏалэм еӏо — that boy is saying
EnglishShapsugStandard Adyghe
Did you heard how that boy speaks? the one standing there, that is the dialect I referred to. We don't talk like that, the way that person is speaking is like how they speak in Caucasus.у кӏалэр зэрэгущаӏэрэр оӏугъа? удэ ӏутыр, уары диалектэу зыфэсӏуагъагъэр. Тэ ущтэу тыгущаӏэрэп, ур зэрэгущаӏэрэр къэфкъазымгьэ зэрэгущаӏэхэрэмэ яфэд.мо кӏалэр зэрэгущыӏэрэр оӏугъа? модэ ӏутыр, моры диалектэу зыфэсӏуагъагъэр. Тэ мощтэу тыгущыӏэрэп, мор зэрэгущыӏэрэр къэфкъазымкӏэ зэрэгущаӏэхэрэмэ афэд.

Future tense

In the Great Shapsug sub dialect the future tense suffix is ~эт and in some cases ~ыт unlike the Small Shapsug sub dialect that has the Suffix ~щт ).

Interrogative words

The word "what" in Standard Adyghe is сыд while in Shapsug it is шъыд and from it derives different terms.
Shapsug has two words for "what":
The word "лӏэу" was lost in other Adyghe dialects. In Shapsug, from it derives different terms :
Shapsugs also have different interrogative words from the word тэ "which":


Big suffix (~фо)

Sample text

Псэкӏодишъэ Зыгъэхъагъэр :
Сэтэнай-гуащэ ныо рэхъугъэу, е ыкӏуакӏэ къыщыкӏагъэу, е ынэгу зэлъагъэу цӏыф къыӏуатэу хэти зэхихыгъэп.
Зэхихына, — Сэтэнае егъашӏи жъы рэхъугъэп!
Мыӏэрысэм ыку фыжьэу тхъу сӏынэм фэдэр ынэгу щифэти; — фыжьыбзэу, ышъо жъыутэхэу къабзэу, моу
укъищэу рэхъущтыгъэ; ышъуапӏэ ыжъоу, ащ ыпс ригъашъорэр — ыгугьэ кьэфэу, хьалэлэу, гукӏьегъуфо хэлъэу
Ащ фэдэ мыӏэрысэ Нат ябын зэриӏэр Емынэжъ ышӏагъ.; Арыти, нэшъоу зишӏи, лъащэу зишӏи Сэтэнай-гуащэ
дэжь къэкӏуагъ.
— Сэтэнай! — ыӏуи къегьагъ Емынэжъ,
— Шъыд? — ыӏожьыгъ Сэтэнае,
— Слъакъомэ сахьыжьырэп, сынэмэ алъэгъужьырэп, сшъхьэ акъыл чыян илъыжьэп, сыгугьэ мэхъаджэ сыхъугъ, гъашӏэу къысфэнэжьыгъэри макӏэ. Джэуап къысфэхъу! — ыӏуагъ Емынэжъы. — Уимыӏэрысэфо ищэнсэн сэмышӏэу уенэгуя?!.
— Сэ симыӏэрысэфо ишӏуагъэ къыокӏьыщтэп, — ыӏуагъ Сэтэнай-гуащэ. — О жъалымэгъэ бащэ зэпхьагъ.
ӏэзэгъу къыритыгъэп.
«Ащ ишӏуагъэ сэ къысэмыкӏьынэу щытмэ, шъори къышъозгъэкӏьынэп!» — ыӏуи,
чэщ горэм къекӏуашъи Нат ябын идышъэ мыӏэрысэ чыг Емынэжъы риупкӏыгь. А чыгэр яӏагъэемэ, нэпэ къагу натхэр псэоу, тхъэжьэу, жъы рэмыхъухэу щыӏэнхи!.