Shantilal Shah Engineering College

Shantilal Shah Engineering College
is approved by and affiliated to the Gujarat Technological University. It is accredited by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi and Government of Gujarat. The institute started functioning from the academic year 1983-84.
The government vows to run the institute in nice manner and it intends to impart the best education by personal attention to each student. This has helped students to develop their personality and thereby making them more compatible with the industry standards. Students of SSEC comprise cream of the young generation who are intellectually ready to accept the challenges of life in general and the industry in particular, in the coming decades


The mission of Shantilal Shah Engineering College is to offer technical programs and technical services to meet the changing expectation of the society, industry and other agencies, there by play a pivotal role in technological development at all levels.


The Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Bhavangar will be the place for professional to grow and cherish. It is the only college in Bhavnagar give the chance to students to make their carrier in interested stream, branch is no longer considerable.


Research activities are carried out in the areas of Technology.
