Shams Badran

Shams Al Din Badran was one of the defense ministers of Egypt during Gamal Abdel Nasser's era. He was among the leading figures in Egypt before the 1970s.

Early life and education

Badran was born in 1929. He attended military academy and graduated in 1948.


Badran was the head of the military security services in the mid 1960s. He also served as the office manager of then-Field Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer under the Nasser's rule. He was one of the top aides of Amer. Then Badran was appointed minister of defense in Fall 1966 shortly before the 1967 War or Six Day War, replacing Abdel Wahab Al Bishri in the post. Amer had supported his appointment.
Badran was also named as the chief of Nasser's cabinet the same year. On 25 May 1967, Badran visited Moscow and met senior Soviet officials, including then prime minister Alexei Kosygin, to secure their support regarding Israeli threat. He resigned from office during the war, and was replaced by Amin Howeidi as defense minister in June 1967.

Arrest and trial

Badran along with other senior officials, including Amer, was detained on 25 August 1967 due to the accusations of plotting against Nasser. However, they were tried about their roles in cease fire in the six day war in 1968. In fact, Badran was twice tried. He and Salah Nasr, former chief of intelligence and also part of Amer's faction, were convicted and sentenced to hard labor due to their roles in the defeat.


figures accused him and his chief, Abdul Hakim Amer, of being responsible for the torture of then Brotherhood leaders who had been arrested due to their alleged plans to assassinate Nasser in 1965.

Personal life

Badran left Egypt and began to live in London. His wife whom he divorced worked at the American University in Cairo.