Shadow Fox

Shadow Fox: Sons of Liberty is a 2010 children's time travel novel by Ron Hardman and Jessica Hardman. The fantastical elements of the story lead into a historically accurate depiction of Paul Revere's Midnight Ride at the start of the American Revolution. The novel's themes include liberty, freedom, loyalty, and the explosive tension between the Sons of Liberty and British Redcoats as the American Revolution begins.
Real events described in the novel include Nikola Tesla's experiments at his 1899 laboratory in Colorado, the midnight ride of Paul Revere, and the Battles of Lexington and Concord. A factual section at the back of the book clarifies the difference between history and fiction in the story and adds further information.
The novel was intended to be the first of a Shadow Fox series exploring key moments in history, but as of 2017 no further novels seem to have been published.

Plot summary

A walk in the Black Forest for twins Jacob and Erin turns into an adventure through time when they meet Shadow, a red fox with an unusual set of talents. They are welcomed to his underground laboratory, Hora Cella, and witness the power of Nikola Tesla's time travel device, the Wall of Light.
On their first journey through the Wall of Light, they travel to Boston in 1775, to help Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty spread the word that British Redcoats are on the march. Shadow has discovered seven gaps in the story of Paul Revere's midnight ride. If those gaps are not filled, the American Revolution may never be fought, and liberty as we know it will cease to exist.
Travel through time with them and follow Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott, ordinary men who choose to act for the cause of liberty. Meet Dr. Joseph Warren, one of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty, as he sets the famous ride in motion. Watch Robert Newman and John Pulling as they attempt to place signal lanterns in the steeple of the Old North Church. But, look out for Pratt! If he has his way, you could become trapped in a time when King George III rules, and there is no liberty and justice for all.


The novel features both fictional and historical characters.
Shadow Fox - The protagonist. Shadow is the main character. He is a red fox whose abilities were created through an accidental meeting with Nikola Tesla. Nikola's real-life laboratory in Colorado Springs was the site of an amazing electrical experiment in 1899. Residents from as far away as Cripple Creek reported hearing a man-made lightning bolt generated at the laboratory, and the experiments shorted out the dynamo at the El Paso County power station causing a blackout. This real experiment was used in the book to transform Shadow from a normal fox to one with extraordinary abilities, including the ability to think like Nikola Tesla, and control electricity.
Erin Fraser - Erin is 12 years old and Jacob's twin sister. She lives 'present day' in the Black Forest of Colorado near Fox Run Park. Her love of horseback riding comes in handy as she works with Shadow and Jacob to help Paul Revere.
Jacob Fraser - Jacob is 12 years old, and like his father he is an inventor. He invented the "Fraser-matic Eavesdropper" from nothing more than pie pans and twine. It allows the user to listen in on conversations from long distances.
Pratt - The antagonist. Colonel Pratt was expelled from the British military and as punishment for crimes against the crown he was condemned to live among the people of Boston who he had mistreated for many years. Pratt tries to capture Shadow, Erin, and Jacob, and ultimately stop the Sons of Liberty to win back the favor of General Thomas Gage.
Junior and Runt - Nicknames for two fictional Redcoats. Both are large, imposing, but often bumbling British soldiers that chase after Shadow, Erin, and Jacob, and also stand in Pratt's way. Erin and Jacob nickname them Junior and Runt.
Mr. & Mrs. Fraser - Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are the parents of Erin and Jacob. Mr. Fraser is an inventor on the verge of a big sale to an investor. Mrs. Fraser is a competitive horseback rider. They live near Fox Run Park in the Black Forest of Colorado, and have a barn with two horses and a workshop where Mr. Fraser works with Jacob.


Sons of Liberty - name given to more than one secret revolutionary organization in the Thirteen American Colonies, which looked to advance the rights of the European colonists and to fight taxation by the British government.
Nikola Tesla - Serbian-American electrical engineer and inventor who patented an induction motor and also experimented x-rays, remote control, and numerous other devices. He built a Colorado Springs laboratory in 1899 to conducted experiments in wireless power transmission and communication. One of his large experimental coils there is used in the Shadow Fox: Sons of Liberty journal entry. This experiment is described in the book as the origin of Shadow Fox. The book also plays on something from Tesla lore called "The Wall of Light", envisioned as a way to travel through space and time. The Wall of Light is used to travel through time in the book.
Paul Revere - a Boston silversmith, goldsmith, engraver, husband, father. He was dispatched on the night of April 18, 1775 with the task of warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that a large number of Redcoats were on their way.
William Dawes - Boston tanner active in the militia. A lesser-known rider the night of April 18, 1775. Dawes arrived in Lexington close the same time as Paul, but did not warn as many people along the way. His absence from Longfellow's poem relegated him to a footnote in many historical texts.
Samuel Prescott - physician and a Massachusetts Patriot. He is best known for his role in Paul Revere's "midnight ride" to warn the townspeople and h was the only participant in the ride to reach Concord.
Samuel Adams - Political leader of the Whigs in Boston. Samuel Adams was a creator of propaganda for the rebel cause. He wrote numerous pamphlets inciting and inspiring the revolution.
John Hancock - One of the wealthiest men in Boston and a leader of the Sons of Liberty.
Doctor Joseph Warren - One of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty in Boston. Dr. Warren sent Paul Revere and William Dawes on the midnight ride.
Thomas Gage - British General and military governor of Boston during the occupation.
Lord Percy and Francis Smith - British commanding officers at the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
Robert Newman, Thomas Bernard, and John Pulling - Thomas stood guard while Robert and John raised the lanterns in the steeple of the Old North Church.