Sexual partner

Sexual partners are people who engage in sexual activity together. The sexual partners can be of any number, sex, gender, or sexual orientation. The sexual partners may be in a committed relationship, either on an exclusive basis or not, or engage in the sexual activity on a casual basis. They may be on intimate terms or anonymous, as in the case of sex with a stranger, a one-night stand, or a prostitute. A person can be another person's sexual partner even if the sexual activity is illegal, socially taboo, or otherwise in breach of a trust or commitment. A person may have more than one sexual partner at any one time, either as polyamory, polygamy or in contravention of convention.The term sexual partner is usually applied to consensual sexual relations, not to those that are forced or result from duress, as in the case of rape.
A sexual partner may or may not have equal power during a sexual activity; such sexual "roles" typically fall under various dominance/submission categories.


Generally, a sexual partner is one with whom one engages in a sexual activity on a regular or ongoing basis.
An ex-sexual partner is a person with whom the other partner does not intend to engage in any further sexual activity; while a prospective sexual partner is one with whom the person has not previously engaged in any sexual activity,but desires.