
Sexecutioner is a supporting character in the heavy metal band Gwar, played originally by Mike Delaney, and finally by Chuck Varga from 1989 until 1995–6, with special appearances in 2000, 2012, and 2014. He sang lead on his trademark song, "Sexecutioner", and "Ragnarok".
There are conflicting origin stories of the Sexecutioner - the Slave Pit Funnies suggest that he was summoned in an ancient ritual by Oderus, and was raised from infancy to become Scumdog material. The song "Sexecutioner" bluntly states that he is from France. Earlier incarnations of Gwar's website state that he was from the planet Eros, in the Genital V System, and that even he doesn't know his own age.
During his time with the band his stage role was similar to that of a slave, in that he assisted Oderus Urungus in fighting the band's enemies. Unlike the slaves, he was treated as a member of the band.
Varga, after designing the most frequently seen Sexecutioner mask, worked with Dave Brockie on Oderus' mask, which has remained largely unchanged since its inception in late 1989.
Chuck Varga remains a member of the Slave Pit, the group behind Gwar, though does not work with them. He retired from touring in 1995, but worked part-time until 2001. For a number of years following his departure, he worked with Don Drakulich, who had also retired from touring, in a special effects company.
According to Drakulich, the term "bohab" was, in part, invented by Varga - initially, it was a nickname for a socially inept friend of Hunter Jackson's, invented by Dave Musel; after hearing him say this, "He instantly shortened it by getting rid of the Slohab then coined as part of the Slave-Pit lexicon to refer to anyone who is socially awkward, who drones on about trivial matters while boring all those around him. In particular it refers to those who are tedious talkers who refuse to let bored body language and avoidance by others stop their persistently friendly overtures - now known as bohabery. Bohabs are not losers who chose to be loners. Bohabs are losers who are persistently friendly."
According to GWAR's website, The Sexecutioner was to return for the 2012 GWARBQ. It was unknown if this marked a permanent return of the character, or if he would be portrayed by Varga.
The Sexecutioner did appear at the fifth GWARBQ after the death of Dave Brockie, taking vocals of one song, "Sexecutioner". It is currently unclear how permanent this return is.