Settings (Windows)

Settings or Windows Settings is a component of Microsoft Windows which was introduced in Windows 8. It allows the user to customize and configure the operating system. Microsoft intends it to eventually replace the existing Control Panel.

Windows 8.x

On Windows 8, PC settings was designed as a simplified settings area optimized for use on touchscreen devices. It exposed a small portion of Control Panel functionality on a two-paned full-screen interface; additionally, adding accounts and changing user pictures could only be done from PC settings.
Windows 8.1 improved upon this component to include more options that were previously exclusive to Control Panel, as well as providing more organization and a redesign. It also added a small "Control Panel" link at the bottom of the left pane to allow users to open the Control Panel and access further options.
The categories listed are:
On Windows 10, the app was renamed to "Settings". It includes more options that were previously exclusive to the desktop Control Panel. Windows Update, which belonged to the Control Panel prior to Windows 10, now exclusively belong to Settings. As it is also a Universal Windows app, this version of Settings is also used on Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones and tablet computers. On October 4, 2015, Brandon LeBlanc from Microsoft said Settings would eventually replace the Control Panel.
The Windows 10 Settings app contains the following categories: